Fortune Favours The Brave -  When To Step In And Reporting To Insurers

This is the fourth part in a series of short articles designed to help medical practitioners manage...

Why do all this, surely that’s what you pay insurers for?

This is the third part in a series of short articles designed to help medical practitioners manage...

How to spot a case where you are vulnerable & how insurers are involved

This is the second part in a series of articles considering the defensibility of medical...

Just how level is the playing field?

This is the first of a series of posts about the defensibility of medical professionals in today’s...

Vicarious liability: a hidden trap for dental practice owners

As a dental practice owner, could you fall foul of vicarious liability?

Your dental Associates (and...

Medical businesses and cybercrime

Medical businesses of all sizes and types face real threats from criminals trying to gain access to...

Don’t let an inquest become your trial

It could be said that that it is inevitable that a doctor practicing for any length of time will...

Claims Made insurance cover v Losses Occurring: What’s all the fuss about?

At MRSL Enterprise we believe that in most cases losses occurring cover and overlong reporting...

Home working, employers and insurance

For some firms' temporary arrangements for staff working from home are now feeling permanent. What...

Building a successful Medical, Wellbeing or Aesthetic practice webinar

Join us for a Webinar to learn the key things you need to consider to successfully build your own...